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Abandoned But Never Forsaken

Welcome! I’m Monica McGowan and this site is to celebrate the release of the First Class Life® Devotional. In this book, I share how God protected and provided for me after I was abandoned by my mother as a teenager. Thankfully, my journey has led me to a place of restoration and now I provide that for others. So, hang out on my site to learn more about me and the book. My prayer is that the heartfelt words in this devotional will encourage you and lead you to a path of healing.


When everyone in your life has disregarded you, God is there. He'll never forsake you!


When all else fails, and your options are fear or faith, choose faith. My childlike faith allowed God to intervene on my behalf and He was my present help in a time of trouble.

God is Faithful!

Being able to adapt to various environments and situations is critical. I no longer had a home so each place I found shelter presented me with different challenges. I had to adjust to endure.

God Protects!

Persistence is necessary as we pursue God’s purpose for our lives. My dreams of college had been crushed and my new path was completely unknown. My original plan was demolished, so I had to find a new route to my destiny.

God Provides!

When you have the right partner, it’s easy to accomplish the common goal. I value partnership immensely. God has been the best partner I could ever have. I know I have not always been an ideal partner, but what God brings to the table is indispensable. His beautiful plan for my life is unfolding because I continue to partner with Him every step of the way. 

God is Eternal!

More About Me...

As a licensed professional in the mental health field, I provide a judgment free zone where people can feel emotionally safe and accepted. My greatest desire is to teach people the skills they need to communicate effectively and to set boundaries so that their intimate relationships are healthy and safe. I know that my profession is my purpose, but it’s also my passion that is connected to my pain. I understand that God used my pain to give me compassion for people and to help them heal the hurts of their past.

That is why I've chosen to share my story with the masses in the First Class Life® Devotional book.

Yes, I Want the Book!

Other Amazing Stories of God's Provision & Protection...


Aisha Taylor

Healing the Past for a Purposeful Future

Deserted while 4-months pregnant with twins and left with the verbal scars left behind by her boyfriend, read how Aisha gets back up again in the First Class Life® Devotional book.


LaTisha Rush

Faith in the Valley 

She grew up feeling like an orpan. Read how LaTisha used courageous faith and trust in God to guide her through the valleys of the shadows of death and into the light on the other side of it all.


Vivian Stevens-Lyons

The Pain, The Prayer & The Purpose

She overcame challenges to forge her own independence in a world much bigger than her. She made it--on a wing and a prayer! Watch as Vivian's humble beginnings blossom.

Plus, See 31 Other Unique Stories of Faith in the First Class Life® Devotional book.

Read More!

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